Creating a decentralized CMS with blockchain

Content management plays a large role in many application and website strategies. For teams building decentralized appliations, there few frameworks that offer content management via blockchain that provide transparency and immutability. In leveraging Urchin, the blockchain based CMS, teams can ensure that content stored within the blockchain is tamper-proof and resistant to unauthorized modifications, and offers a trackable history that is publicly available. This not only enhances security, but follows the ethos of building in Web3 while enabling seamless integrations with smart contracts. Urchin is:

  • headless - detached from primary appliations and available via API calls for builds or dynamic content filling.
  • a fully capable CMS - designed to manage markdown content, images and other media, and meta information for organization and taxonomy.
  • an open-source, public protocol - as opposed to most cloud-based CMS solutions, Urchin is a network of programs deployed on the blockchain with an open-source MIT license.

The Problem

Decentralized apps are stuck using web2 content and data storage, which does not provide the necessary security and transparency within blockchain applications. dApp developers on the other hand don’t have simple ways to manage content in a simple, decentralized manner, though that’s the route they would take if they had it. The complexity of blockchain makes it difficult for average developers who could utilize decentralized content leading to slow growth and lack of innovation in the industry.

The Solution

urchin screenshot of dashboard overview

Urchin’s SDK and microservices architecture allows developers to use various services to manage, store and display their content as simple as web2. This provides an easy and seamless way for developers to integrate blockchain technology into their [de]centralized applications.

The Result

urchin screenshot of dashboard taxonomies

Urchin disrupts the current standard with a blend between database records and smart contracts to become the standard for all web3 content management. It contains an open sourced SDK to interact with any JS client as well as open-sourced Solana programs to interact with.

Urchin is available on NPM:

Get started with the docs

urchin screenshot of publishing content to blockchain